Class of 2021
BSc (Honors) Social Development & Policy

Aspiration Statement

I hope to pursue a master’s degree and also continue with my start-up project.

Core Skills

  • Qualitative research
  • Writing skills

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Won the Amazon Web Services Challenge for Leadership/Co-Curricular Principles for the Start-up: Writing Folder
  • Certificate of Excellence for presenting a paper at the LUMS Conference
  • Certificate of Excellence for contributing fiction in international literary magazines


Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Stimulus Pvt Ltd. - Intern
  • Stimulus Pvt Ltd. - Research Associate

Final Year Project

Project Title

Impact of Online Learning on Parents and Teachers of Primary School Going Students in Pakistan during COVID-19


The intent of the proposed study was to understand the impact of online teaching on primary school students and teachers during COVID-19 Pandemic. The focus was on their circumstances, experiences, and social world to understand whether online learning is an effective medium. The study utilized a framework from which to view parents and teachers of primary school-going students from June 2020 - mid-November 2020. We concluded that most parents believe online teaching was ineffective. Home-schooling emerged as an alternative; teachers and parents alike had to familiarize themselves with technology. Parents and students, who were already technologically savvy, found the transition smoother. Overall, the role of parents and their involvement in their child’s education increased. Students success was greatly dependent on the parent’s physical and emotional involvement. Neither parents nor teachers believe that online learning is particularly useful. Factors contributing to this include: negative behavioural changes such as stubbornness and irritability amongst children, stress of increased workload and responsibilities on parents and teachers, increased accountability for teachers, lack of physical activities for children. Overall, the outcomes of online learning have been negative.